Reply briefs filed in CPUC Case 10-01-014

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) has filed its reply brief in CPUC case 10-01-014, request by PG&E for $64 million in ratepayer funding for seismic studies at Diablo Canyon: 060112 A4NR Reply Brief-014   In addition, here are the reply briefs of the other two parties to the case: Pacific Gas & Electric 060112 […]

Opening Brief in CPUC case 10-01-014 Seismic Funding for PG&E

The Alliance has filed an opening brief in CPUC case 10-01-014, PG&E’s request for $64 million of ratepayer funding to conduct seismic studies at Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. Read the opening brief here: 051812 014 A4NR open brief   FOR ADDITIONAL REFERENCE, BELOW ARE THE LINKS FOR THE OPENING BRIEFS OF THE OTHER PARTIES […]

Alliance comments to State Lands Commission on PG&E’s permits for seismic testing

Comments of the Alliance on PG&E’s permit application for high energy offshore seismic testing, now pending before the State Lands Commission 050312 A4NR-SLC DEIR

A4NR letter to Obama opposing reappointment of Svinicki to NRC

The Alliance sent a letter to the White House opposing the reappointment of Kristine Svinicki to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 042312 Obama01

04-19-12 BLOOMBERG NEWS: Quake Studies at California Nuclear Reactors


Alliance Confronts NRC Chair Jaczko over SONGS

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility met with NRC chairman Jaczko on Friday, April 6 regarding the ongoing steam generator problems at the San Onofre Nuclear plant.  We immediately followed up a letter citing our concerns and our follow up requests to the NRC. Read it here: 040912 Jaczko01 See the Alliance in action–here is a […]

A4NR files opposition to PG&E’s Motion for Protective Order in CPUC A.10-01-014

031512 A4NR oppose PGE order

San Onofre Fallout Map

Diablo Canyon Fallout Map

Take Action on Nuclear Emergency Planning

Send an action letter to state senator Mark Wyland. Ask him to sponsor legislation to investigate the costs and logistics of expanding the current 1o  mile emergency planning zone around our nuclear power plants to the 50 miles recommended by the NRC for Americans in Japan after Fukushima.  There is currently no plan or coordination […]

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