Nuclear Decommissioning — take action!

The job of nuclear decommissioning is affecting both the closed San Onofre and Humboldt nuclear power plants, and may soon be an issue at Diablo Canyon. How will the job be handled? What input will the local communities have in the process? Who is considering the economic losses host communities will suffer? The U.S. Nuclear […]

David Weisman gives Diablo Canyon update on “Post Carbon Radio” with host Bing Gong

David Weisman, Outreach Coordinator of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, is interviewed by Bing Gong of  KVMR’s Post Carbon radio program, May 12, 2014…  

PPG&E Humboldt Bay Reactor history

The following documents recount some of the history surrouding PG&E’s early reactor at Humboldt Bay, which was permanently closed after the NRC and PG&E discovered seismic threats that were too costly to mitigate.   1. Fact sheet about Humboldt Bay focusing on storage of spent fuel, from the DOE Blue Ribbon Panel on Radioactive Waste:  […]

Crystal River Reactor withdraws NRC License Amendment Request

The now-closed Crystal River Reactor in Florida has withdrawn its NRC License Amendment Request for a “power uprate” of the reactor that has since been scuttled because of the massive failure of the 2009 steam generator replacement. 031413 Crystal River w:draws NRC LAR

Congressman Markey Report: Fukushima Fallout-Regulatory Loopholes at U.S. Nuclear Plants

051211 Markey Nuclear Report

Oyster Creek tritium leak enters second aquifer

To access this article on-line: December 3, 2009 DEP: Oyster Creek discharge isn’t health issue By BOB VOSSELLER MANAHAWKIN BUREAU Radioactive tritium that was in water which leaked from the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant has migrated into a second aquifer, the state Department of Environmental Protection reported. Leaks at the plant, owned by […]