Alliance files comments on SLO County DEIR for Diablo Decommissioning

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility filed the following comments on the San Luis Obispo County Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning, August 28, 2023 082923 A4NR comments to SLO DEIR for R2301007  

Stop the Diablo Canyon Bailout!

TELL THE LEGISLATURE TO STOP POURING OUR MONEY DOWN THE PG&E DRAIN Governor Newsom’s plan to keep Diablo Canyon running will take billions from ratepayers and taxpayers to line the pockets of PG&E’s shareholders while doing nothing to actually guarantee that our lights stay on. The Utility Reform Network (TURN) has a great summary of […]

Where will all the nuclear waste go? A4NR weighs in…

For 40 years the plan to find a permanent storage site for the accumulated civilian nuclear power high level radioactive waste has languished.  With the failure of the Yucca Mountain repository, a new approach is needed. The U.S. Department of Energy is seeking input on their plan for a “Consent Based Approach”–but what does that […]

A4NR to State Water Board: No permit extension for once-through-cooling at Diablo

Send an email to the State Water Resources Control Board if you oppose the extension of Diablo Canyon’s permit for once through cooling…here’s how: The meeting is September 1, 2020. Send your comments before then.   Subject:   Request to sever the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant compliance date waiver from the Draft OTC Policy […]

Amicus Brief filed in case to overturn CPUC rip-off for CCA customers

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility and the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace have jointly filed and amicus brief with the California Court of Appeals to support Protect Our Communities in their fight to overturn the unfair burden placed on CCA energy customers due to the CPUC’s poor decision over assigning PCIA charges.   Read […]

A4NR weighs in on DOE and need for federal waste solutions

A4NR weighs in on DOE and need for federal waste solutions Read the Alliance’s comments on the Department of Energy’s (DOE) plan for a consent based solution to siting the nation’s high level radioactive waste: 071816 DOE-SLO

NRC accepting comments on waste transport concerns

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is accepting comments on concerns regarding the safety of transporting spent nuclear fuel (i.e., high level radioactive waste). From the federal web site, here is the summary: Summary The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing for public comment draft NUREG/CR-7209, “A Compendium of Spent Fuel Transportation Package Response Analyses […]

Nuclear Decommissioning — take action!

The job of nuclear decommissioning is affecting both the closed San Onofre and Humboldt nuclear power plants, and may soon be an issue at Diablo Canyon. How will the job be handled? What input will the local communities have in the process? Who is considering the economic losses host communities will suffer? The U.S. Nuclear […]

Memorial Service for Pat Frank, April 11, 2015

A memorial and celebration of the late Pat Frank will be held in Atascadero on April 11, 2015. For details, please download the flier: Pat Frank Flyer 5  

Important Public Meeting in SLO–August 8, 2014, DCISC and Once Through Cooling

The Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee is holding a special public meeting on Friday, August 8, 2014 at 10 AM at the Embassy Suites in San Luis Obispo, CA, to discuss safety implications of the revised proposals to mitigate the use of Once-Through-Cooling at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. See this notice for full […]

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