Diablo Decommissioning Forum in San Luis Obispo

CPUC PUBLIC HEARING IN SAN LUIS OBISPO ON THE RETIREMENT OF DIALBO CANYON   Watch video of statements by A4NR ExecutiveDirector Rochelle Becker and Outreach Coordinator David Weisman:     Watch the video of the afternoon session, September 14, 2017     Watch the video of the evening session, September 14, 2017     READ AND […]

Rochelle Becker at San Luis Obispo Supervisors, April 4, 2017

At the April 4, 2017 meeting , Rochelle Becker, executive director of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility asks the San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors to support the request to have the CPUC webcast the upcoming hearings for the Joint Proposal to close Diablo Canyon.  Subsequently, the CPUC agreed to provide the webcast.    

Diablo Canyon Closing–Concerns of Dr. Robert Budnitz-VIDEO

Diablo Canyon Closing–Concerns of Dr. Robert Budnitz, Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee,  VIDEO (2 minutes) June 21 2016  

State Lands Commission Permit for Diablo Canyon 2016

On April 5, 2016, the State Lands Commission held a public hearing regarding PG&E’s application to extend the permits for their outfall leases.  The current leases expire on 2018/2019.  The SLC must determine whether or not a full CEQA environmental analysis will be required in addition to a Public Trust Analysis.  See the testimony of […]

SB 968

March 29, 2016… SB 968 passes Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications committee…See the testimony by John Geesman on behalf of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (5 minutes):       SEE THE ENTIRE 35 MINUTE HEARING:     Read about it in the Santa Barbara INDEPENDENT:   http://www.independent.com/news/2016/mar/31/study-planned-impact-early-diablo-canyon-shutdown/       Senator William Monning (D-Santa […]

Video Compilation: The Alliance responds to PG&E’s newest seismic report on Diablo Canyon

On March 12, PG&E  submited to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission a mandatory, post-Fukushima update of the seismic hazard at Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.  But, after three years of ratepayer funded research: How much does PG&E know about the hazards? Just how “certain” are they that the data is adequate?   Was their research team […]

Emergency Planning Public Service Announcement

This 30 seconds Public Service Announcement reminds people that nuclear power is the only form of energy generation that requires an evacuation plan….

Dave Lochbaum and new book on Fukushima disaster in San Luis Obispo

Dave Lochbaum, director of the nuclear safety project at the Union of Concerned Scientists, visited San Luis Obispo, CA to discuss his new book, Fukushima, The Story of A Nuclear Disaster (co-authored by Edward Lyman and Susan Stranahan). Here is a videotape of his presentation to the standing room crowd at the Steynberg Gallery, March […]

Not an easy trip to Washington DC for the Alliance…

In November 2013 the Alliance traveled to Washington DC to meet with the chairman of the NRC as well as our senators and congressional representatives…The trip was made more difficult because of the broken ankle Executive Director Rochelle Becker suffered on an earlier trip to Washington in September.  Nevertheless, with our attorney John Geesman along […]

Alliance testifies at California Senate Energy Committee July 10, 2013

ROCHELLE BECKER and DAVID WEISMAN of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility addressed the California Senate Energy Committee at a hearing on July 10, 2013 in Sacramento. The subject for the day was the post-San Onofre energy future for California. ROCHELLE BECKER:   DAVID WEISMAN:

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