2024 Diablo Canyon Documents

Protest of A4NR in CPUC A.24-03-018 A.24-03-018 A4NR’s Protest   Amended DWR-PG&E Loan Agreement re: SB 846 070623 Amended DWR-PGE Loan Agreement

Alliance files comments on SLO County DEIR for Diablo Decommissioning

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility filed the following comments on the San Luis Obispo County Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning, August 28, 2023 082923 A4NR comments to SLO DEIR for R2301007  

R 23-01-007 CPUC proceeding Implementing SB 846 and Potential Extension of Diablo Canyon

TESTIMONY of Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (redacted): 063023 A4NR Testimony Redacted   EXHIBITS A-L of Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (redacted): 063023 A4NR Exhibits A-J Redacted   EXHIBITS K-Z3 of Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (redacted): 063023 A4NR exhibits K-Z redacted   Backup Documentation citing state and federal statute regarding PG&E’s grant and loan disclosures: 070523 Support […]

State Agency Oversight of SB 846 ??? A4NR has concerns…

The California Energy Commission (CEC) is tasked with overseeing studies and planning on whether California really needs the power from Diablo Canyon and whether it will be reliable.  The CEC is already behind schedule in delivering these studies and their work neglects key issues. Read A4NR’s critique here: 020123 A4NR Comments on SB846 Assessment* SB […]

SB 846: Stop The Steal! Tell PG&E: Hands off our tax dollars!…

Click on the link below for a one-page comic style infographic that lets you follow the money trail depicting how PG&E makes out like bandits using our tax money from the so-called “loan” to keep Diablo Canyon open longer…And our closing suggestion for how to stop the steal. DWR Loan Infographic 013023 If YOU would […]

A4NR files comments on first Energy Commission workshop on future of Diablo….

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility filed comments on the first workshop on the future of Diablo Canyon held by the California Energy Commission on October 28, 2022. This starts the process of determining how much energy California will need in the coming years and whether or not Diablo is a reliable and affordable solution should […]

PG&E tries to grab ratepayer money for botched Diablo repairs, Alliance says “NO”

READ IT HERE: 110122 PG&E Seeks Ratepayer Funds for Diablo Outages-CaCurrent

A4NR board member Sam Casalina has passed away…

The Alliance is saddened to announce that former board member Sam Casalina passed away on September 12, 2022 at the age of 96.  Dr. Casalina was a World War II combat veteran who followed his service with a long career as a radiation health physicist.  Sam brought that expertise–and with his concerns for the threats […]

Stop the Diablo Canyon Bailout!

TELL THE LEGISLATURE TO STOP POURING OUR MONEY DOWN THE PG&E DRAIN Governor Newsom’s plan to keep Diablo Canyon running will take billions from ratepayers and taxpayers to line the pockets of PG&E’s shareholders while doing nothing to actually guarantee that our lights stay on. The Utility Reform Network (TURN) has a great summary of […]


These are just a few of the problems challenging any thought of extending the life of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Watch them described by the Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee: MORE TECHNICAL HURDLES DETAILED HERE:

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