State Agency Oversight of SB 846 ??? A4NR has concerns…

The California Energy Commission (CEC) is tasked with overseeing studies and planning on whether California really needs the power from Diablo Canyon and whether it will be reliable.  The CEC is already behind schedule in delivering these studies and their work neglects key issues. Read A4NR’s critique here: 020123 A4NR Comments on SB846 Assessment* SB […]

SB 846: Stop The Steal! Tell PG&E: Hands off our tax dollars!…

Click on the link below for a one-page comic style infographic that lets you follow the money trail depicting how PG&E makes out like bandits using our tax money from the so-called “loan” to keep Diablo Canyon open longer…And our closing suggestion for how to stop the steal. DWR Loan Infographic 013023 If YOU would […]

2021 PG&E ERRA Proceeding at CPUC

Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility Documents filed in the 2021 PG&E ERRA Proceeding at the CPUC   Testimony of A4NR in PG&E ERRA Proceeding A.22-02-015 A.22-02-015 A4NR-1 PUBLIC_Redacted     Protest of A4NR in 2021 PG&E ERRA: 030622 A4NR ERRA Protest  

Amicus Brief filed in case to overturn CPUC rip-off for CCA customers

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility and the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace have jointly filed and amicus brief with the California Court of Appeals to support Protect Our Communities in their fight to overturn the unfair burden placed on CCA energy customers due to the CPUC’s poor decision over assigning PCIA charges.   Read […]

SB 968

March 29, 2016… SB 968 passes Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications committee…See the testimony by John Geesman on behalf of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (5 minutes):       SEE THE ENTIRE 35 MINUTE HEARING:     Read about it in the Santa Barbara INDEPENDENT:       Senator William Monning (D-Santa […]

Nuclear Decommissioning — take action!

The job of nuclear decommissioning is affecting both the closed San Onofre and Humboldt nuclear power plants, and may soon be an issue at Diablo Canyon. How will the job be handled? What input will the local communities have in the process? Who is considering the economic losses host communities will suffer? The U.S. Nuclear […]

Nuclear Decommissioning Truss may be bankrupt…starting with Humboldt Bay

  From Bloomberg Financial News:

May 13, 2014: San Luis Obispo supervisors budget considers future without Diablo Canyon

May 13, 2014: The San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors discusses funding for a study exploring how the County would fare economically in the absence of PG&E’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, should it close prematurely or at the end of its current license in 2024 David Weisman, Outreach Coordinator for A4NR also speaks to […]

David Weisman gives Diablo Canyon update on “Post Carbon Radio” with host Bing Gong

David Weisman, Outreach Coordinator of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, is interviewed by Bing Gong of  KVMR’s Post Carbon radio program, May 12, 2014…  

Alliance files Opposition to Settlement Agreement in SONGS CPUC case

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility has filed comments in opposite to the Settlement Agreement proposed in the CPUC case regarding ratepayer liability for the failed steam generator replacement that led to the closing of SONGS: I.12-10-013 Opening Comments Opposing Proposed Settlement  

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