State Agency Oversight of SB 846 ??? A4NR has concerns…

The California Energy Commission (CEC) is tasked with overseeing studies and planning on whether California really needs the power from Diablo Canyon and whether it will be reliable.  The CEC is already behind schedule in delivering these studies and their work neglects key issues. Read A4NR’s critique here:

020123 A4NR Comments on SB846 Assessment*

SB 846 gives the Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee (DCISC) an enhanced role to evaluate the deferred maintenance and neglected capital improvements necessary to extend the life of Diablo Canyon.  As these comments from A4NR reveal, the DCISC seems to be asleep at the switch for failing to notice all the flaws revealed in a recent inspection report from the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Who is watching the “watchers?”  We are….

020623 A4NR-DCISC*

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