John Geesman to lead Alliance legal challenges at CPUC

Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility retains veteran energy policy leader John Geesman as legal counsel in their proceedings before the California Public Utilities Commission: 011712 PR-Geesman

Alliance comments on scope of proposed OTC study

The comments of the Alliance regarding the proposed scoping and requirements for a state study of the future impacts of Once-Through-Cooling at nuclear plants on the California coast.  The Alliance’s comments were adopted by the board. 091211 SCE-PGE OTC-RB

California Energy Commission 2011 Integrated Energy Policy Report–draft version

The CEC has just released its draft version of the 2011 Integrated Energy Policy Report, or IEPR (pronounced “eye-per”).  Comments are due to be submitted by December 23, 2011. Here is the draft report chapter on Nuclear issues (Chapter 13): 1210511 CEC IEPR draft-nuclear Here is a link to the full report: 120511 CEC IEPR […]

CPUC Legal Briefs for SCE/SONGS seismic studies

These are the legal briefs filed by the Alliance and the utilities in the CPUC proceeding wherein SCE is asking for $64 million to complete seismic studies recommended under the California Energy Commission’s AB 1632 report. Here is the brief of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility: 120511 A4NR-Brief-006 final Here is the brief of Southern […]

Evacuation Route Protest/San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)

11.1.11 – Ltr to Congressman Ken Calvert

SC City ltr to Cong Clavert recommendations 11 1 11 –

11.1.2011 – Ltr to California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

SC City ltr to CPUC recommendations 11 1 11 –

11.1.2011 – Ltr to Chairman Jaczko and the NRC

SC City ltr to NRC recommendations 11 1 11 –

11.1.2011 – Request for support to Senator Dianne Feinstein

SC City ltr to Feinstein recommendations 11 1 11 –

11.3.2011 – Request for support from all Orange County cities

SC City ltr to all OC cities rec 11 3 11  – “The City Council of San Clemente respectfully requests your support ofr the actions we have taken in regard to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Stations (SONGS). . . . “

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