Dave Lochbaum of Union of Concerned Scientists to speak in SLO on Fukushima and Diablo!

Three Years After Fukushima:  Lessons Learned or Not Learned and The Future of Diablo Canyon. Public talk and book signing by Dave Lochbaum, a nationally recognized nuclear power safety expert from the Union of Concerned Scientists and co-author of new book, Fukushima: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster –www.ucsusa.org/fukushimabook; Monday, March 31, 7-8:30pm – Steynberg Gallery, 1531 […]

Dr. Peck Non-Concurrence on Diablo Canyon Seismic Licensing Basis

012612 Peck Non Concurrence

Independent Peer Review Panel Report # 6

The Sixth report of the Independent Peer Review Panel convened by the California Public Utilities Commission to review the results of seismic studies at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant: 081213 IPRP Report 6

Dr. Thomas Heaton Comments on GMC SSHAC #2 proceedings

Heaton Comments SMG SSHAC 2

January 2014: Senator Boxer still demanding answers on Diablo Canyon seismic questions!


Senator Barbara Boxer Challenges NRC

On November 21, Senator Barbara Boxer, chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee, challenged the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on their lack of transparency and their slow response to addressing current seismic licensing concerns at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.  Regarding Diablo, Senator Boxer said: “The NRC gave reactors in the western US, where […]

“Seismic Shift” New Report from Union of Concerned Scientists

The Union of Concerned Scientists has just released a new report, “SEISMIC SHIFT, Diablo Canyon Literally and Figuratively on Shaky Ground.” The author is Dave Lochbaum, Director of the Nuclear Safety Project. From the report: Five years ago, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) informed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) about a newly discovered fault offshore […]

John Geesman answers PG&E’s response to the CEC 2013 IEPR

Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility attorney John Geesman answers, point-by-point, the criticism PG&E has leveled at the California Energy Commission’s nuclear issue recommendations in the agency’s 2013 Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR). 110413 Geesman-CEC-PGE IEPR*  

“Seismic Shift” Op-Ed of A4NR in NEW TIMES SLO

FROM  THE  NEW  TIMES  SAN  LUIS  OBISPO: Seismic shift? Cracks are starting to show in PG&E’s ongoing efforts to keep Diablo Canyon running BY ROCHELLE BECKER If sunlight truly is the best disinfectant, PG&E must feel like it got a mouthful of bug spray from the light beam focused on its Diablo Canyon “ground motion” […]

Dr. John Downer write on the fallacy of probabilistic risk assessment

Read the latest paper by Dr. John Downer on the fallacy of probabilistic risk assessment, found in the journal “Regulation and Governance, 2013” Disowning Fukushima: Managing the credibility of nuclear reliability assessment in the wake of disaster  From chapter 2: The first thing to note about the Fukushima disaster (henceforth referred to as “Fukushima”) is […]

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