New Art Exhibit Opens: REDACTED: Transparency, Democracy & Nuclear Power

They say: The truth isn’t always black or white….but what if it was, and you still couldn’t tell? As we mark the fourth anniversary of the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima, we reflect on the Japanese government’s final verdict: The tragedy was a product of collusion and lack of transparency by the nuclear industry and […]

Dave Lochbaum and new book on Fukushima disaster in San Luis Obispo

Dave Lochbaum, director of the nuclear safety project at the Union of Concerned Scientists, visited San Luis Obispo, CA to discuss his new book, Fukushima, The Story of A Nuclear Disaster (co-authored by Edward Lyman and Susan Stranahan). Here is a videotape of his presentation to the standing room crowd at the Steynberg Gallery, March […]

Union of Concerned Scientists critique of NRC Spent Fuel Transfer process

The following letter was sent by Dave Lochbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists critiquing the NRC for their failure to engage meaningful public discourse in formulation of their study on the post-Fukushima recommendation to accelerate transfer of fuel from spent fuel pools to dry casks. 103113 Lochbaum-NRC SFP Xfer process  

Public Meeting Schedule for NRC Waste Confidence actions…

Public Involvement in Waste Confidence The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has a long-standing practice of conducting our regulatory, licensing, and oversight activities in an open manner. For that reason, we are committed to informing the public and providing opportunities for participation in our decision-making process regarding Waste Confidence. Toward that end, we periodically hold meetings, […]

A4NR Comments on NRC Waste Confidence EIS proposal

The following comments of the Alliance For Nuclear Responsibility were placed into the official record by outreach coordinator David Weisman during a facilitated conference call with the NRC on November 14, 2012.   111412 DW-Waste Confidence xcript


Here is a recap of the Alliance’s 2012 Accomplishments–and the costs that come with them….. A4NR 2012 year end review   And here are our goals and plans for 2013–along with our anticipated budget needs… A4NR 2013 Budget goals   PLEASE READ THE ABOVE AND CONSIDER A DONATION!! Thank you and we look forward to […]

Japanese Attorney Masaki Kito on Fukushima and real estate

Mr. Masaki Kito is a consumer rights attorney who is suing TEPCO for $69 billion on behalf of 1300 Tokyo residents. His lawsuit is unique in that he is personally suing the executives and board members of TEPCO for their complicit negligence in creating the lack of safety culture and awareness that allowed this accident […]

Alliance Statement on PG&E Seismic Testing

Download press release here: 092012 A4NR on Seismic Testing PR


Whether it is ongoing contamination of seafood, the devastation of the fishing industry, drastic clean up plans or overall impacts to the marine environment, the consequences of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima continue: From the NEW YORK TIMES, October 25, 2012:  TOKYO — Elevated levels of cesium still detected in fish off the Fukushima coast […]

A4NR letter to Obama opposing reappointment of Svinicki to NRC

The Alliance sent a letter to the White House opposing the reappointment of Kristine Svinicki to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 042312 Obama01

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