San Luis Obispo Tribune–Viewpoint: $64 million question: Are we any safer a year after Fukushima?
On March 11, 2011, the world watched in horror as nuclear reactors in Japan exploded and spewed radiation toward families fleeing from a horrific earthquake and tsunami. The next day, as aftershocks were rocking Japan and heroic workers grappled with melting reactors at Fukushima, PG&E was already assuring San Luis Obispo residents — and all […]
San Diego Union Tribune–Fukushima fallout: Lessons not learned by the U.S. government
Residents and businesses within a 50-mile radius of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station – the evacuation zone prescribed by Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko for Americans near last year’s Fukushima nuclear meltdowns – will have a hard time detecting just what lessons have been learned by their own government in the 12 months […]
Alliance Files Testimony in PG&E Seismic Funding Case
Read the press release here: 021312 PR A4NR Testimony-014 Read the actual testimony here:
Alliance news in Santa Lucian Sierra Club Newsletter
John Geesman to lead legal intervention at CPUC on behalf of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility Santa Lucian-Feb 2012 A4NR
Barbara Boxer–Senate Nuclear Update June 16, 2011
Statement of Senator Barbara Boxer regarding aftermath of Fukushima and California’s aging nuclear reactors: The emergency in Japan serves as an important wake-up call for the United States, and we cannot afford to ignore it. If there is one lesson to be learned, it is that we must plan for the unexpected. READ THE FULL STATEMENT AT […]
Diablo Relicensing Delayed!
060711 A4NR PR NRC stay
Congressman Markey Report: Fukushima Fallout-Regulatory Loopholes at U.S. Nuclear Plants
051211 Markey Nuclear Report
Earth Day Petition
download and print this Earth Day petition. Mail completed petitions to Alliance address on the bottom of the petition and we will deliver to the CPUC. 042211 A4NR petition
Coastal Commission reviews Japanese Tsuanmi and California nuclear plants
The California Coastal Commission has issued a preliminary report on the Japanese tsunami and potential implications for California’s coastal nuclear plants. Of particular interest are the possible effects of a tsunami on the radioactive waste casks stored at the decommissioned Humboldt Bay nuclear facility. 032411 Coastal Commission Tsunami report
Senator Sam Blakeslee et al letter to Blue Ribbon Commission
Letter from Senator Sam Blakeslee and other California legislators to the Blue Ribbon Commission on radioactive waste 022511 BRC ltr Blakeslee