2014 Letter from CPUC President Peevey to PG&E re: Diablo Relicensing Requirement

CPUC President Michael Peevey sent this letter to Pacific Gas and Electric outlining the requirements and information that the CPUC will need in order to process any new request for ratepayer funding for NRC license renewal at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.  021914 Peevey-PGE LTR*

January 2014: Senator Boxer still demanding answers on Diablo Canyon seismic questions!


Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) files comments on proposed NRC Waste Confidence GEIS

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility has filed comments on the proposed NRC Waste Confidence GEIS (Generic Environmental Impact Statement).  Like many other organizations, A4NR questions whether a “Generic” document can be applied to a site with the unique and very specific seismic qualifications at Diablo Canyon.  The Alliance also supports and agrees with the comments […]

Not an easy trip to Washington DC for the Alliance…

In November 2013 the Alliance traveled to Washington DC to meet with the chairman of the NRC as well as our senators and congressional representatives…The trip was made more difficult because of the broken ankle Executive Director Rochelle Becker suffered on an earlier trip to Washington in September.  Nevertheless, with our attorney John Geesman along […]

Senator Barbara Boxer Challenges NRC

On November 21, Senator Barbara Boxer, chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee, challenged the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on their lack of transparency and their slow response to addressing current seismic licensing concerns at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.  Regarding Diablo, Senator Boxer said: “The NRC gave reactors in the western US, where […]

“Seismic Shift” New Report from Union of Concerned Scientists

The Union of Concerned Scientists has just released a new report, “SEISMIC SHIFT, Diablo Canyon Literally and Figuratively on Shaky Ground.” The author is Dave Lochbaum, Director of the Nuclear Safety Project. From the report: Five years ago, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) informed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) about a newly discovered fault offshore […]

John Geesman answers PG&E’s response to the CEC 2013 IEPR

Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility attorney John Geesman answers, point-by-point, the criticism PG&E has leveled at the California Energy Commission’s nuclear issue recommendations in the agency’s 2013 Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR). 110413 Geesman-CEC-PGE IEPR*  

Cartoon: “All Saint’s Day” meets El Diablo for Halloween!

Editorial cartoonist Russ Hodin’s  satirical piece combines the seasonal and cultural stylings of All Saint’s Day and Halloween with the ongoing “scary” presence of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.       Cartoon courtesy of Russ Hodin

Union of Concerned Scientists critique of NRC Spent Fuel Transfer process

The following letter was sent by Dave Lochbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists critiquing the NRC for their failure to engage meaningful public discourse in formulation of their study on the post-Fukushima recommendation to accelerate transfer of fuel from spent fuel pools to dry casks. 103113 Lochbaum-NRC SFP Xfer process  

A4NR recommendations for 2013 CEC IEPR

The recommendations of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility for the 2013 California Energy Commission Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR) 102813 A4NR-CEC IEPR comments 

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