Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) files comments on proposed NRC Waste Confidence GEIS

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility has filed comments on the proposed NRC Waste Confidence GEIS (Generic Environmental Impact Statement).  Like many other organizations, A4NR questions whether a “Generic” document can be applied to a site with the unique and very specific seismic qualifications at Diablo Canyon.  The Alliance also supports and agrees with the comments of advocates such as Arjun Makhijani and Dr. Gordon Thompson regarding the many technical shortcomings in the NRC’s GEIS document.  However, A4NR has limited its own comments in this filing to very specific issues regarding the NRC’s failure to account for the costs and institutional stewardship of this waste–which may remain on California’s seismically active coast for perhaps 160 years or more….

121813 A4NR on Waste Confidence


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