KMUD Radio Interview: David Weisman discusses Diablo Canyon and Fukushima

Just past the third anniversary of the unresolved nuclear disaster at Fukushima, David Weisman, Outreach Coordinator for the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility discusses the current status of seismic understanding and concerns at California’s last remaining nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon.  Originally broadcast on KMUD on April 8, 2014 with host Robie Tenorio.  Mr. Weisman’s interview […]

Dave Lochbaum and new book on Fukushima disaster in San Luis Obispo

Dave Lochbaum, director of the nuclear safety project at the Union of Concerned Scientists, visited San Luis Obispo, CA to discuss his new book, Fukushima, The Story of A Nuclear Disaster (co-authored by Edward Lyman and Susan Stranahan). Here is a videotape of his presentation to the standing room crowd at the Steynberg Gallery, March […]

A4NR files Protest in PG&E ERRA case at CPUC, April 1, 2014

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) has filed a protest in the PG&E ERRA proceeding at the CPUC.  A4NR’s protest alleges that PG&E has failed to conduct the seismic studies funded through the CPUC in the manner in which they were directed by that agency, and have ignored certain key requirements. 040114 A4NR Protest PGE […]

Union of Concerned Scientists Report: The NRC and Nuclear Power Plant Safety in 2013

Union of Concerned Scientists Report: The NRC and Nuclear Power Plant Safety in 2013 by Dave Lochbaum UCS-NRC safety report 2013-full   Here is an excerpted portion of the report that concerns the NRC’s lapses in oversight at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power plant, specifically in allowing the plant to operate in violation of its licensed […]

Dave Lochbaum of Union of Concerned Scientists to speak in SLO on Fukushima and Diablo!

Three Years After Fukushima:  Lessons Learned or Not Learned and The Future of Diablo Canyon. Public talk and book signing by Dave Lochbaum, a nationally recognized nuclear power safety expert from the Union of Concerned Scientists and co-author of new book, Fukushima: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster –; Monday, March 31, 7-8:30pm – Steynberg Gallery, 1531 […]

New Coverage of Letter from CPUC President Michael Peevey to PG&E regarding relicensing “conditions”

New Coverage of CPUC President Michael Peevey’s letter to PG&E on February 19, 2014, advising them of the numerous areas of concern for which they will have to provide both costs and plans for mitigation (if needed) should they plan to ask for ratepayer funding to resume the NRC license renewal process at Diablo Canyon: […]

Dr. Peck Non-Concurrence on Diablo Canyon Seismic Licensing Basis

012612 Peck Non Concurrence

Independent Peer Review Panel Report # 6

The Sixth report of the Independent Peer Review Panel convened by the California Public Utilities Commission to review the results of seismic studies at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant: 081213 IPRP Report 6

Dr. Thomas Heaton Comments on GMC SSHAC #2 proceedings

Heaton Comments SMG SSHAC 2

Bay News-Letter to Editor February 27, 2014

Letter to the Editor of the BAY NEWS from A4NR Outreach Coordinator, David Weisman, regarding the economic future of Diablo Canyon in SLO county… 022714 Bay News LTE-DW

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