KMUD Radio Interview: David Weisman discusses Diablo Canyon and Fukushima

Just past the third anniversary of the unresolved nuclear disaster at Fukushima, David Weisman, Outreach Coordinator for the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility discusses the current status of seismic understanding and concerns at California’s last remaining nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon.  Originally broadcast on KMUD on April 8, 2014 with host Robie Tenorio.  Mr. Weisman’s interview begins approximately 13 minutes into the program.


Host Robie Tenorio writes: 

Dear David,
Thank you for being our guest on the Environment Show.  You gave us a lot of information that was not emotional or anti-nuclear but a clear case – open and shut – of industry and regulatory disregard for the public’s safety and finances. 
We could have spent much longer I am sure but we did get the Alliance’s contact info out and I sure do hope you will be receiving some financial support from this area.
Thank you for being available and doing such a great job.

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