Diablo Canyon ISFSI FSAR seismic update March 2016

  COVER LETTER: ML16078A390   DOCUMENT 1:   ML16078A393   DOCUMENT 2: ML16078A394

Alliance participates in Seismic Town Hall

On September 25, 2015 Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility outreach coordinator David Weisman was an invited panelist at the Town Hall on Diablo Canyon seismic issues convened by state senator Bill Monning.   “The NRC has said the safety components can withstand the maximum earthquake, fine”, said the Alliance’s David Weisman, “what we ask, and the […]

CA Currents story highlights Diablo Canyon seismic foibles

  The latest story from California Energy Currents highlights the current seismic foibles at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant….   “The basic concern is potential ground motions at some sites are higher than previously thought,” said John Richards, Electric Power Research Institute principal technical leader. He and other industry seismic experts and engineers agree that […]

Dr. Bruce Gibson IPRP comments at CEC IEPR April 27, 2015

Dr. Bruce Gibson is a member of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors and also serves as a member of the CPUC’s Independent Peer Review Panel (IPRP) which is tasked with review and analysis of PG&E’s ratepayer funded seismic research program.  He spoke on the IPRP’s findings at the 2015 California Energy Commission […]

Alliance demands sanctions on SCE for San Onofre ex parte violations

BREAKING NEWS:   ALLIANCE IN HEADLINES–   From KPBS San Diego….   Email Suggests Governor Appeased Utilities During Calls For San OnofreInvestigation   Alliance attorney John Geesman is quoted:  “There are a number of statutes that Edison has quite intentionally violated,” Geesman said.”   Read the story and listen to John Geesman in the podcast: […]

John Geesman statement at CPUC Prehearing Conference for SONGS decommissioning April 2, 2015

April 2, 2015 Statement of John Geesman on behalf of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility at Prehearing conference of the San Onofre Nuclear Plant decommissioning proceeding, A 14-12-007  

Rochelle Becker comments at Senate EUC oversight of CPUC and nuclear safety

Rochelle Becker, Executive Director of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, speaks at California State Senate EUC committee CPUC Oversight hearing. March 25, 2015. The topic was “safety” regarding the California Public Utilities Commission and nuclear power plants. 

A4NR and PG&E 2014 ERRA CPUC proceeding

  The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility has filed Testimony in the  2014 PG&E ERRA proceeding at the CPUC, A.15.-02-023:   The Testimony of John Geesman: A.15-02-023 Prepared Testimony of John Geesman   The Testimony of Dr. Sam Blakeslee: A.15-02-023 Prepared Testimony of Sam Blakeslee   The Supplemental Testimony of John Geesman: A.15-02-023 Supplemental Testimony of John […]

CA CURRENTS–Guest editorial by Rochelle Becker

Guest Juice: Seismic Cracks in PG&E’s Diablo Analysis March 26, 2015 By Rochelle Becker  Coming on the fourth anniversary of the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima, PG&E’s self-congratulatory announcement that “New Analyses Show Diablo Canyon Safe From Extreme Natural Events” would be laughable, were it not for the potentially tragic consequences. READ THE FULL GUEST […]

PG&E and NRC…Collusion at Diablo?

FROM THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: Federal investigators have launched a probe into whether the Nuclear Regulatory Commission erred when it let Pacific Gas and Electric Co. change earthquake safety standards at the Diablo Canyon power plant without public hearings, The Chronicle has learned. Read for the comments of Alliance Executive director Rochelle Becker: http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/Feds-probe-PG-E-report-on-California-nuclear-6159405.php

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