A4NR Files Comments on Proposed Settlement Agreement at SONGS

These are the comments of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) regarding the proposed Settlement Agreement  in the matter of the now closed San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant (SONGS). 091514 A4NR-SONGS S.A. Comm

A4NR Opposition to SONGS Settlement Agreement in Union Tribune, September 22, 2014

The opposition of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility to the proposed Settlement Agreement over the failed San Onofre nuclear reactors was noted in the San Diego Union Tribune on September 22, 2014: “John Geesman, attorney for the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, said the insurance and legal claims anticipated in the settlement probably won’t amount to […]

Decision of CPUC in PG&E General Rate Case 12-11-009

PRESS RELEASE ON CPUC DECISION: 082614 PGE GRC PD-PR Here is the full Decision of the CPUC in the PG&E General Rate Case, 12-11-009: 082014 GRC PD -009 Here are only those excerpts from the decision that reflect the concerns of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility: 082014 GRC PD DCNPP Excerpts  

A4NR Ex Parte Notice in PG&E General Rate Case Application 12-11-009

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility held ex-parte meetings with advisors to four of the five CPUC commissioners in the matter of PG&E’s general rate case, specifically with regard to wording in the Proposed Decision that appears to undermine the State’s legally valid authority with regard to matters of economics and ratemaking precedent.  You can read […]

A4NR Prepared Testimony for CPUC A.14-02-008

The prepared Testimony of John Geesman in CPUC A.14-02-008 A.14-02-008 Prepared Testimony with attachments     The prepared Testimony of Dr. Douglas Hamilton in CPUC A. 14-02-008 062014 Hamilton Testimony 14-02-008

Seismic Folly editorial cartoon by Russell Hodin in The New Times


Alliance (A4NR) files reply comments in Settlement case for San Onofre at CPUC

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) has filed reply comments opposing the proposed settlement in the case of the San Onofre nuclear power plant closure. I.12-10-013 Reply Comments Opposing Settlement

David Weisman gives Diablo Canyon update on “Post Carbon Radio” with host Bing Gong

David Weisman, Outreach Coordinator of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, is interviewed by Bing Gong of  KVMR’s Post Carbon radio program, May 12, 2014… http://postcarbon.podomatic.com/entry/2014-05-13T02_49_59-07_00  

Alliance files Opposition to Settlement Agreement in SONGS CPUC case

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility has filed comments in opposite to the Settlement Agreement proposed in the CPUC case regarding ratepayer liability for the failed steam generator replacement that led to the closing of SONGS: I.12-10-013 Opening Comments Opposing Proposed Settlement  

A4NR files Protest in PG&E ERRA case at CPUC, April 1, 2014

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) has filed a protest in the PG&E ERRA proceeding at the CPUC.  A4NR’s protest alleges that PG&E has failed to conduct the seismic studies funded through the CPUC in the manner in which they were directed by that agency, and have ignored certain key requirements. 040114 A4NR Protest PGE […]

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