PPG&E Humboldt Bay Reactor history

The following documents recount some of the history surrouding PG&E’s early reactor at Humboldt Bay, which was permanently closed after the NRC and PG&E discovered seismic threats that were too costly to mitigate.


1. Fact sheet about Humboldt Bay focusing on storage of spent fuel, from the DOE Blue Ribbon Panel on Radioactive Waste: 



2. Humboldt Bay power plant history recounted in 2003 application for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI):

Humboldt History-ISFSI permit-2003


3. Humboldt Bay power plant history found in NRC license application for ISFSI waste storage facility:

Humoboldt ISFSI EIR


4. Brief history of NRC order that led to seismic shutdown of Humboldt Bay power plant:

Humboldt Bay 1976 NRC order


5. 2010 Update report on seismic events at Humboldt Bay power plant and affects on ISFSI:

Humboldt Bay ISFSI status 2010

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