Video Compilation: The Alliance responds to PG&E’s newest seismic report on Diablo Canyon

On March 12, PG&E  submited to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission a mandatory, post-Fukushima update of the seismic hazard at Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.  But, after three years of ratepayer funded research:

  • How much does PG&E know about the hazards?
  • Just how “certain” are they that the data is adequate?  
  • Was their research team free from conflict of interest?  

PG&E’s web site claims that these studies were “Performed with independent experts using latest scientific methodologies and site-specific information” 

Are those claims true? The Alliance for nuclear responsibility has assembled this short video, excerpted from public workshops on the subject.




Does PG&E really have enough “data” from which to draw their conclusion that Diablo Canyon is seismically safe?

Hear from their own expert:

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