Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility Documents filed in the 2021 SCE NDCTP Proceeding at the CPUC   A.22-02-016 Prepared Testimony of John Geesman w. Attachments


Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility Documents filed in the 2021 PG&E NDCTP Proceeding at the CPUC   The Testimony of John Geesman: A.21-12-007 A4NR-1 Prepared Testimony of John Geesman   The Testimony of Rochelle Becker: A.21-12-007 A4NR-2 Prepared Testimony of Rochelle Becker

A.22-02-016 SONGS Strategic Plan

A.22-02-016 SONGS Strategic Plan

A4NR on Dave Congalton Radio Show discussing the future of Diablo Canyon 9-16-22

Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility legislative director David Weisman on the Dave Congalton Radio Show 920AM discussing the future of Diablo Canyon 9-16-22. (43 minutes)        

Stop the Diablo Canyon Bailout!

TELL THE LEGISLATURE TO STOP POURING OUR MONEY DOWN THE PG&E DRAIN Governor Newsom’s plan to keep Diablo Canyon running will take billions from ratepayers and taxpayers to line the pockets of PG&E’s shareholders while doing nothing to actually guarantee that our lights stay on. The Utility Reform Network (TURN) has a great summary of […]


These are just a few of the problems challenging any thought of extending the life of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Watch them described by the Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee: MORE TECHNICAL HURDLES DETAILED HERE:

Where will all the nuclear waste go? A4NR weighs in…

For 40 years the plan to find a permanent storage site for the accumulated civilian nuclear power high level radioactive waste has languished.  With the failure of the Yucca Mountain repository, a new approach is needed. The U.S. Department of Energy is seeking input on their plan for a “Consent Based Approach”–but what does that […]

2018 SONGS NDCTP CPUC Decision

Redline version of final CPUC Decision in SONGS 2018 NDCTP case: 121621 SONGS Decision FINAL**

PG&E 2020 ERRA and Unit 2 Main Generator Failure

The A4NR Response to PG&E’s ERRA filing regarding the costs of the failed main generator at Unit 2 at Diablo Canyon: 031821 A4NR Response-ERRA

A4NR comments on Proposed Decision in SONGS NDCTP Decommissioning case

The comments of A4NR on the Proposed Decision in the San Onofre Nuclear Decommissioning case at the CPUC: A.18-03-009 Opening Comments on Proposed Decision

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