October 2010 Newsletter


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  OCTOBER 2010

Rochelle Becker and David Weisman of A4NR will be spending a week in San Francisco at the CPUC hearings.  We need lodging, travel and meal money – projected to cost $2,000 – the equivalent of a few hours of PG&E’s lawyers time!
Please donate now!
We would also be grateful for frequent flyer miles that can be transferred to hotel stay. 
Please contact us at:
Check our website for news and infromation:




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Asleep at the WheelWho’s Asleep

at the Switch?



Underwater BP well blows out-

and CEO Tony Hayward

 “wants his life back.”


Underground PG&E gas pipeline blows up- 

and PG&E executives are

playing golf in San Luis Obispo

Where was the California Public Utilities Commission?


Where was the Mineral Management Agency?


Asleep at the Switch!!!


Utilities are failing to look under the ground while putting their bottom-line above public safety, and the regulators that should be watching out for us are asleep at the switch.

 When it comes to nuclear power, there is no second chance, no “if only we had. . .”


We’re the



Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility,


and we’re NOT asleep at the switch.


Did you know that the license for Diablo Canyon’s nuclear reactors does not expire until 2025, yet PG&E is currently attempting to re-license the reactors for another 20 years beyond their original lifespan?  This premature licensing process comes with a $100+ million price tag and PG & E expects California ratepayers to foot the bill.


PLUS, a new earthquake fault was discovered 1,800 feet from the Diablo Canyon reactors.  The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility supported the California state legislature when it passed laws to make sure all seismic concerns at the plant were fully studied and analyzed before any re-licensing is considered.  We weren’t alone: the California Energy Commission, the Coastal Commission, our Congressional representatives and the counties of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara all support doing the studies first. 


Guess who thinks the studies can wait a few years?

PG&E and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 

Sound like an all-too-familiar story?


PG&E will try to convince the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) that they deserve our money now, and can worry about the seismic studies later.  Those who remember how badly PG&E botched the seismic work at Diablo Canyon the first time-costing us over $4 billion-might see history repeating itself. 


The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility will intervene in this case.  We will be the voice of the public in San Francisco the week of October 18th.  We will be outnumbered by PG&E lawyers, as well as lawyers from Southern California Edison (SCE) – yes, SCE is watching this case because they want to re-license San Onofre too!  BUT, we’ve been doing our homework, digging through boxes of old files and building a case to demonstrate how costly seismic negligence can be.  Read our testimony at: http://a4nr.org/?p=1159 


Any help you can provide means that the public will have a voice in this proceeding, and  the CPUC and PG&E will know that 







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