A4NR Comments on Data Requests submitted to CEC for 2011 IEPR

The following documents are the comments of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) to the California Energy Commission (CEC) that outline the omissions, contradictions or inadequacies of the responses to Data Requests that the CEC sent to both nuclear utilities, PG&E and Southern California Edison (SCE)

These comments provide the background for the summary and recommendations that A4NR submitted to the CEC as part of the nuclear workshop of the 2011 IEPR process.

Here are the comments regarding PG&E and Diablo Canyon:

072611 A4NR PGE IEPR Comments

Here are the comments regarding SCE and San Onofre:

072611 A4NR SCE IEPR comments

The A4NR summary and recommendations can be found at:



Comments are closed.