A4NR Testimony to Blue Ribbon Commission on Radioactive Waste 9-13-2011
As the Blue Ribbon Commission comes to the end of its second full year of investigation into the
issues surrounding disposal and final disposition of high-level radioactive waste, the Alliance for
Nuclear Responsibility again encourages the panel to actively consider holding one of their next
meetings in the state of California. While we support the newfound regulatory acknowledgment
of increased seismic hazards in many of our nation’s other nuclear-powered states, the fact
remains that California has the most active seismic footprint of any nuclear reactor host state.
This provides a unique setting in which to consider the near and long term hazards posed by
radioactive waste. Indeed, it was one of the BRC’s own consulting panelists, Dr. Per F. Peterson
of U.C. Berkeley, who first brought this to light in his email of November 25, 2010, in which he
…the issues for removal and disposition of spent fuel from
California do involve challenges, which must be considered in the
development of national policy for the management of spent fuel
and high level waste…”
In light of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s recent revisions to the Waste Confidence
Decision, and their ongoing policy of reactor license renewals, we may be seeing high-level
waste accumulating across our nation well into the next century—a period of time during which
both the reactors and waste storage infrastructure will continue to age. . .