Alliance representatives ejected from Post-Fukushima seismic workshop!

Only one week after the second anniversary of the tragic nuclear disaster at Fukushima,  A4NR attorney John Geesman, consulting seismologist Dr. Douglas Hamilton, and A4NR outreach coordinator David Weisman were asked to leave the Ground Motion Characterization workshop for the nuclear power plants in the western United States. These (ratepayer funded) workshops are an integral part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s post-Fukushima requirements to update seismic hazards at nuclear reactors. Read our press release:

032013 PR SSHAC eviction


Coverage in the New Times, San Luis Obispo:


Read Mr. Geesman’s response to CPUC President Michael Peevey detailing the situation:

032011 Geesmen-Peevey-SHHAC eviction


Response from John Geesman to NRC Commissioner Magwood:

032013 Geesman-NRC-SSHAC eviction

And here is the page from the NRC’s manual for conducting a Senior Seismic Hazards Analysis Committee (SSHAC) that specifically allows the public to observe (highlighted).

NUREG-2117 ML12118A445.pg56

The full publication is:

Practical Implementation Guidelines for SSHAC Level 3 and 4 Hazard Studies, NUREG 2117

Date Published:  February 2012



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