SB 418 Home Page

This page is dedicated to Senate Bill 418 (SB 418), legislation sponsored by the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility.  The bill is authored by Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) and the principle co-authors are Senator Marty Block (D-San Diego) and Assembly Member Toni Atkins (D-San Diego).

Here you will find and can download our Press Release, the legislative language, fact sheets, background and a sample letter of support.


SB 418 bill language (June 11, 2013):

And here is a sample letter of support. It is recommended that you cut-and-paste the text into a letter of your own, and replace the italicized items (within the parenthesis) with your personal information. Please feel free to change the letter to reflect any additional specific needs you or your organization feel reflect the intent and goals of this legislation.

The letter should then be sent as an email to Senator Jackson’s legislative aide:


Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee Chairman Steven Bradford c/o

and the subject line should read:  SUPPORT–SB 418

Sample letter of support:

Contact A4NR outreach coordinator David Weisman if you have any questions:

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