Dear President Jaczko, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

“Over the past five years, the state of California has undertaken an in depth review of the costs, benefits and risks of this state’s continued reliance on aging reactors on our seismically active coast. After carefully studying all issues that might result in a negative impact on state economics or the reliability of energy supplies, the California Energy Commission (CEC), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and legislature (Assembly Bill 1632) required that certain specific studies be completed and reviewed with the NRC. PG&E ignored the state’s requirements and filed its application to operate Diablo Canyon for an additional 20 years in November 2009.

In the spirit of openness and transparency, the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility asks that the NRC hold the full PG&E application in abeyance until the seismic studies mandated by California’s legislature and oversight agencies are complete. We ask that the state and the NRC work together solely on seismic studies and the independent review of those studies, and include NGO participation in the review process. We believe this would signal to the state and to the public that the NRC considers seriously new seismic information at a very controversial aging reactor site. These studies are even more relevant than during the original licensing procedure, as the site is now storing hundreds of tons of highly radioactive waste in a seismic area, the suitability of which was neither addressed nor even anticipated in the previous century. Finally, with the pressing budget crisis at both the federal, state and local level, it is not in the interest of either ratepayers or taxpayers to see duplicative efforts or potentially wasted resources spent on subsequent aspects of license renewal without satisfying the underlying seismic requirements first. The state of California, through its oversight and legislative actions, has made this clear.”
To read the complete letter: Ltr to Chairman Jaczko re relicensing 020210



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