AB 361 Home Page

This page is dedicated to Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361). 


The bill is authored by Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian (R-San Luis Obispo) and the co-authors are Senator Bill Monning (D-Santa Cruz) and Hannah Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara).

This legislation will continue to provide funding to support offsite emergency services needed during the operation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County. The funding mechanism would sunset in 2019, but the nuclear plant is licensed to operate until  2025.  To provide this valuable, ratepayer funded protection, the bill will fill the gap between 2019 and 2025.  In addition, the bill also extends the mandate and funding mechanism for the Independent Peer Review Panel (IPRP) established by the CPUC to oversee and review the seismic hazard studies for Diablo Canyon.


Here is the press release announcing passage of the bill

091415-AB361 Victory1



AB 361 bill language:



Here is the voting history of legislation:

AB 361**Assembly Bill – History






Contact A4NR outreach coordinator David Weisman if you have any questions:


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