CPUC Division of Ratepayer Advocates Protest Against PG&E’s Application for Ratepayer Funding of Seismic Studies


“In accordance with Rule 2.6 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the California Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”), the Division of Ratepayer Advocates (“DRA”) hereby submits its protest in the above-captioned proceeding, the application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (“PG&E”) for approval of ratepayer funding to perform additional seismic studies at Diablo Canyon Power Plant (“Diablo Canyon”). Notice of the filing of the application first appeared in the Commission’s Daily Calendar on January 20, 2010; accordingly, this protest is timely filed. (See Rule 2.6(a).)
PG&E has not provided sufficient justification for its request and, therefore, the application should be rejected.” 

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