A4NR Petition for Modification of D.18-01-022 (Joint Proposal to Retire Diablo Canyon)

As a response to a ruling by the Administrative Law Judge in PG&E’s current General Rate Case, the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility has filed the following Petition for Modification of the Decision D.18-01-022 which arose from the Joint Proposal to retire Diablo Canyon.  Summarizing the introduction:

A4NR contends that the extraordinary above-market costs attributed to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (“DCNPP”), as forecasted by PG&E, under the Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (“PCIA”) methodology adopted in D.18-10-019, and PG&E’s most recent forecasts of its equally extraordinary and precipitous loss of bundled load, are significant changes in material facts since D.18-01-022 was adopted. Under such circumstances, A4NR believes that continuing to incur DCNPP costs which are avoidable – like the DCNPP 2020 – 2022 O&M and capital expenditure budgets – would be unreasonable and inconsistent with just and reasonable rates.




PFM (Revised) of D.18-01-022


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