California Energy Commission 2011 Integrated Energy Policy Report–draft version

The CEC has just released its draft version of the 2011 Integrated Energy Policy Report, or IEPR (pronounced “eye-per”).  Comments are due to be submitted by December 23, 2011. Here is the draft report chapter on Nuclear issues (Chapter 13): 1210511 CEC IEPR draft-nuclear Here is a link to the full report: 120511 CEC IEPR […]

National Academies Study on Spent Fuel Pool Vulnerabilities (2006)

National Academies Spent Fuel 2006

NRC Data: Populations surrounding reactors

NRC document listing the populations within 10-50 mile ranges from operating nuclear reactors. NRC population near reactors 2000

A4NR protest of PG&E Motion to reopen Application 10-01-014 for increased funding for seismic studies

101411 A4NR protest 014 reopen

Comments of the Alliance on NRC’s proposed Waste Confidence Decision

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is accepting public input on an Environmental Impact Statement for their “Waste Confidence Decision”–a policy that would enable on-site storage of high level radioactive waste at current reactor locations for at least 60 and possibly as long as 300 years!  Here are the comments of the Alliance submitted to the NRC: […]

1967 Diablo Canyon Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity

This 1967 Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) was issued to PG&E by the California Public Utilities Commission as the permit necessary for them to build and operate (and charge customers for) an electric power  generating facility in the state of California. This section, taken from the lengthy application document, deals with the issues […]

A4NR Testimony to Blue Ribbon Commission on Radioactive Waste 9-13-2011 As the Blue Ribbon Commission comes to the end of its second full year of investigation into the issues surrounding disposal and final disposition of high-level radioactive waste, the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility again encourages the panel to actively consider holding one of their next meetings in the state of California. While we support […]

NRC Population near reactors, from 2000 U.S. Census figures

HERE ARE THE POPULATIONS LIVING WITHIN 20 and 50 MILES OF NUCLEAR REACTORS, FROM THE 2000 U.S. Census NRC population near reactors 2000  

Transcript of California Energy Commission Nuclear Workshop, July 26, 2011

Here is the transcript of the July 26, 2011 California Energy Commission IEPR workshop on nuclear power, held in Sacramento: 072611 CEC IEPR Transcript

Transcripts of NRC Seismic Workshop in San Luis Obispo, September 9-8, 2010

Transcript of September 8, 2010, morning session 090810 NRC seismic SLO-AM Transcript of September 8, 2010, afternoon session 090810 NRC seismic SLO-PM Transcript of September 9, 2010, morning session 090910 NRC seismic SLO-AM Transcript of September 9, 2010, afternoon session 090910 NRC seismic SLO-PM  

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