These are just a few of the problems challenging any thought of extending the life of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Watch them described by the Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee: MORE TECHNICAL HURDLES DETAILED HERE:

Where will all the nuclear waste go? A4NR weighs in…

For 40 years the plan to find a permanent storage site for the accumulated civilian nuclear power high level radioactive waste has languished.  With the failure of the Yucca Mountain repository, a new approach is needed. The U.S. Department of Energy is seeking input on their plan for a “Consent Based Approach”–but what does that […]

PG&E 2020 ERRA and Unit 2 Main Generator Failure

The A4NR Response to PG&E’s ERRA filing regarding the costs of the failed main generator at Unit 2 at Diablo Canyon: 031821 A4NR Response-ERRA

NRC permits early relaxation of security perimeter at SONGS

The Alliance petitioned the State Lands Commission to require Southern California Edison to reduce the footprint of the NRC mandated exclusion zone around the San Onofre reactors so that the beachfront walkway and ocean will be made available more quickly to the public.  In March 2021, the NRC took the first steps to initiate that […]

A4NR attorney John Geesman on KQED…

A4NR attorney John Geesman on KQED… As Fire Victims Languish, Hedge Funds Cash out Billions in PG&E Stock Hear it now :  

A4NR to State Water Board: No permit extension for once-through-cooling at Diablo

Send an email to the State Water Resources Control Board if you oppose the extension of Diablo Canyon’s permit for once through cooling…here’s how: The meeting is September 1, 2020. Send your comments before then.   Subject:   Request to sever the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant compliance date waiver from the Draft OTC Policy […]

Amicus Brief filed in case to overturn CPUC rip-off for CCA customers

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility and the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace have jointly filed and amicus brief with the California Court of Appeals to support Protect Our Communities in their fight to overturn the unfair burden placed on CCA energy customers due to the CPUC’s poor decision over assigning PCIA charges.   Read […]

A4NR Petition for Modification of D.18-01-022 (Joint Proposal to Retire Diablo Canyon)

As a response to a ruling by the Administrative Law Judge in PG&E’s current General Rate Case, the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility has filed the following Petition for Modification of the Decision D.18-01-022 which arose from the Joint Proposal to retire Diablo Canyon.  Summarizing the introduction: A4NR contends that the extraordinary above-market costs attributed to […]

A4NR Comments on NRC Engagement Panel Hearings…

The NRC is asking for comments (due by the close of April 17, 2019) regarding where they should hold the 10 nationwide meetings to discuss changes in rules for decommissioning and the creation of community engagement panels.  A4NR is asking them to hold at least two in California, one for SONGS and one for Diablo […]

A4NR and PG&E NDCTP (Diablo Decommissioning) A.18-12-009

PROPOSED DECISION OF CPUC IN 2018 DECOMMISSIONING PROCEEDING FOR DIABLO CANYON– READ IT HERE: NDCTP PD     January 13, 2020: Alliance prevails in Settlement of Diablo Canyon Decommissioning proceeding at the CPUC Read the Settlement Agreement here: 011020 NDCTP settlement FINAL*   And in the San Luis Obispo Tribune:         […]

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