A4NR Goes to Washington…2017 edition!

Nuclear Waste?   There is no time to waste… Alliance Executive Director Rochelle Becker (L) and Treasurer Tama Varano-Becker (R) headed back to Washington DC and met with many of the California congressional staff to discuss issues related to nuclear energy and nuclear waste.  Here they meet with Congressman Salud Carbajal, newly elected, who represents […]

Joint Proposal to Close Diablo Canyon and the Alliance (A4NR)

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility is a signatory of the Joint Proposal to close Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.  While the Alliance (A4NR) agrees with most of the the proposal as written, it has reserved the right to challenge the $52 million in ratepayer funding that PG&E seeks as reimbursement for the amount they spent […]

Rochelle Becker at PG&E Public Forum on Diablo Canyon closure in SLO

Rochelle Becker discusses the role of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) regarding the Joint Proposal for the closing of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant at a PG&E public forum held in San Luis Obispo, California. July 20, 2016  

Diablo Canyon Closing–Concerns of Dr. Robert Budnitz-VIDEO

Diablo Canyon Closing–Concerns of Dr. Robert Budnitz, Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee,  VIDEO (2 minutes) June 21 2016  

D.O.E. Consent-based siting for radioactive waste

The Department of Energy is holding a one day workshop on Consent-based siting for nuclear waste on April 26, 2016 at 5pm.  The event will be held at the Holiday Inn, 300 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.  Public comments are encouraged, see flier below for details. 4 26 16 Agenda CBS Public Meeting-Sacramento

State Lands Commission Permit for Diablo Canyon 2016

On April 5, 2016, the State Lands Commission held a public hearing regarding PG&E’s application to extend the permits for their outfall leases.  The current leases expire on 2018/2019.  The SLC must determine whether or not a full CEQA environmental analysis will be required in addition to a Public Trust Analysis.  See the testimony of […]

April 11, 2011 PG&E requests “hold” on license renewal from NRC

041011 PGE-NRC LR deferral

PG&E GRC 2017

A4NR files testimony in PG&E General Rate Case for 2017 Read the press release here: 042916 PR GRC filing02     Read the Testimony of witness John Geesman here: A1509001 – A4NR – Geesman – Ratemaking   Read the Testimony of witness Rochelle Becker here: A1509001 – A4NR – Becker – Policyr   Redacted PG&E […]

Diablo Canyon ISFSI FSAR seismic update March 2016

  COVER LETTER: ML16078A390   DOCUMENT 1:   ML16078A393   DOCUMENT 2: ML16078A394

Environmental Scoping Summary Report Associated with the Review of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application (CAC Nos. MF4019 and 4020)

Environmental Scoping Summary Report Associated with the Review of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application (CAC Nos. MF4019 and 4020) MAIN REPORT: ML16077A091   COVER LETTER: ML16067A116  

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