SONGS + Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Finance Update
Here are the March, 2015 Decommissioning funding updates provided by California’s two nuclear utility operators to the NRC: Diablo Canyon 2015 DCNPP Decom $ update to NRC San Onofre (SONGS) 2015 SONGS NRC decom accounts
NRC-PGE Seismic updates to SSHAC, January 2016
In 2015, the NRC issued Requests for Additional Information (RAI) to PG&E regarding their March, 2015 post-Fukushima Seismic Hazard Update (SSHAC). Subsequently, the NRC conducted an audit of PG&E’s report to seek answers to their remaining questions, as they prepare their evaluation of PG&E’s report. In late 2015, PG&E responded to the NRC’s RAI. Here […]
Nuclear Decommissioning — take action!
The job of nuclear decommissioning is affecting both the closed San Onofre and Humboldt nuclear power plants, and may soon be an issue at Diablo Canyon. How will the job be handled? What input will the local communities have in the process? Who is considering the economic losses host communities will suffer? The U.S. Nuclear […]
Alliance participates in Seismic Town Hall
On September 25, 2015 Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility outreach coordinator David Weisman was an invited panelist at the Town Hall on Diablo Canyon seismic issues convened by state senator Bill Monning. “The NRC has said the safety components can withstand the maximum earthquake, fine”, said the Alliance’s David Weisman, “what we ask, and the […]
Rochelle Becker to NRC on relicensing–March 3, 2010
In 2010, Rochelle Becker, executive director of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) asked the NRC to collaborate with California oversight agencies on state-of-the-art studies and review of PG&E’s seismic work — the NRC refused. The result: thousands of pages of seismic justification by PG&E, a handy rubber stamp by the NRC and significant unanswered […]
A4NR Files in CPUC ERRA proceeding for Diablo Canyon
The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) has filed its Reply Brief in CPUC ERRA proceeding for Diablo Canyon (A.15-02-023) 102315 A4NR Reply Brief-023 The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) has filed its opening Brief in CPUC ERRA proceeding for Diablo Canyon (A.15-02-023) 100915 A4NR Opening Brief-A15-02-023 The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) has […]
Summary of NRC “Public” Meeting with PG&E regarding submission of Diablo seismic studies
Summary of NRC “Public” Meeting with PG&E regarding submission of Diablo seismic studies and this is a further test of what is going on with this multi line editing just a tifs wsdfs sdks ssfsdfsdfsdf sdks sf sfserse sf sf sdfsf: 052715 NRC summary-PGE SSHAC mt
PG&E and NRC…Collusion at Diablo?
FROM THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: Federal investigators have launched a probe into whether the Nuclear Regulatory Commission erred when it let Pacific Gas and Electric Co. change earthquake safety standards at the Diablo Canyon power plant without public hearings, The Chronicle has learned. Read for the comments of Alliance Executive director Rochelle Becker:
released emails between CPUC and PG&E regarding Diablo Canyon License Renewal
In February, 2015, PG&E released 65,000 emails detailing their communications with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) as part of a case involving the San Bruno gas pipeline explosion in 2010. In searching through the enormous volume of material, the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) has located a dozen that deal directly with the relicensing […]
Tsunami threat to Diablo Canyon revisited….
The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility has been actively involved in bringing to light a long-suppressed study of the tsunami threat to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Originally commissioned by the NRC for the 2003 licensing of the spent fuel storage installation at Diablo Canyon, its contents were redacted by the NRC for more than […]