Last plant standing….for now….

Is Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant all it is “cracked up” to be?  

PPG&E Humboldt Bay Reactor history

The following documents recount some of the history surrouding PG&E’s early reactor at Humboldt Bay, which was permanently closed after the NRC and PG&E discovered seismic threats that were too costly to mitigate.   1. Fact sheet about Humboldt Bay focusing on storage of spent fuel, from the DOE Blue Ribbon Panel on Radioactive Waste:  […]

A4NR Rebuttal Testimony in PG&E General Rate Case 12-11-009 at CPUC

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “While A4NR considers PG&E’s conduct in this matter to be profound misfeasance, the point of this testimony is not to lure the California Public Utilities Commission (“Commission” or “CPUC”) into a subject more properly regulated by the federal government under the Atomic Energy Act.4 Instead, A4NR asks the Commission to consider this […]

Former NRC Chairman Jaczko speaks on seismic risk

Former NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko speaks about  reassessing the use of probabilistic assessment and seismic risks in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster:     Videotape footage courtesy of Ace Hoffman

A4NR motion to compel in PG&E General Rate Case approved by CPUC Judge

This ruling grants the motion filed on April 8, 2013, by the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility (A4NR) for an order to compel production of data by Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) relating to certain Diablo Canyon seismic activities.   050113 A4NR-compel granted

Alliance representatives ejected from Post-Fukushima seismic workshop!

Only one week after the second anniversary of the tragic nuclear disaster at Fukushima,  A4NR attorney John Geesman, consulting seismologist Dr. Douglas Hamilton, and A4NR outreach coordinator David Weisman were asked to leave the Ground Motion Characterization workshop for the nuclear power plants in the western United States. These (ratepayer funded) workshops are an integral […]

NRC Open House-Shoreline Report–video clip

NRC Open House discussion of NRC Shoreline Fault confirmation report, 11/28/2012 in San Luis Obispo.    

A4NR letter to NRC Chair Macfarlane: Shoreline Report Deficient

The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility has sent a letter to NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane detailing the omissions and deficiencies in the NRC’s latest report on the seismic hazard posed by the Shoreline Fault at Diablo Canyon. 111312 Macfarlane02

Japanese Attorney Masaki Kito on Fukushima and real estate

Mr. Masaki Kito is a consumer rights attorney who is suing TEPCO for $69 billion on behalf of 1300 Tokyo residents. His lawsuit is unique in that he is personally suing the executives and board members of TEPCO for their complicit negligence in creating the lack of safety culture and awareness that allowed this accident […]

A4NR analysis and commentary on NRC Shoreline Fault report

The following is the analysis and commentary by A4NR  of the NRC’s October 2012 report on the Shoreline Fault and seismic hazard at Diablo Canyon: 102412 A4NR on NRC-re-Shoreline

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