A4NR I-Comp claim in A.16-08-006

The following documents comprising the Intervenor Compensation claim of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility in A.16-08-006 are available here.

Pursuant to Rule 1.9(d) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, A4NR has issued a Notice of Availability because the A4NR Intervenor Compensation Claim and its supporting material comprise over fifty (50) pages and over 3.5 megabytes of data.

The parties are hereby apprised that the A4NR Intervenor Compensation Claim, along with all supporting materials, is available on this web site as follows.  To open and save a document, click on the links for each document below:


  • A1608006.A4NR. I-Comp Claim

A1608006.A4NR. I-Comp Claim.031518


  • A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 1.Notice of Availability

A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 1.Notice of Availability.031518


  • A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 2.Certificate of Service

A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 2.Certificate of Service.031518


  • A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 3.Time Sheet Records

A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 3.Time Sheet Records.031518


  • A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 3A.Appendix of Time Sheet Records for A.14-02-008 and A.15-02-023

A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 3A.Appendix of Time Sheet Records for A.14-02-008 and A.15-02-023.031518


  • A1 08006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 4.Costs and Expenses (with receipts)

A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 4.Costs and Expenses (with receipts).031518


  • A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 4A.Cost and Expense Records for A1402008 and A1502023

A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 4A.Cost and Expense Records for A1402008 and A1502023.031518


  • A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 5.Resume of Alvin S. Pak

A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 5.Resume of Alvin S. Pak.031518


  • A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 6.Resume of Richard Wolfe

A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 6.Resume of Richard Wolfe.031518


  • A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 7.Resume of Ellen Wolfe

A1608006.A4NR.I-Comp Claim.Attachment 7.Resume of Ellen Wolfe.031518



Upon request, A4NR will provide a compact disc containing the A4NR Intervenor Compensation Claim and all supporting material, or a paper copy of said materials if preferred by the requesting party. Requests should be submitted in writing by e-mail to:

David Weisman

E-Mail: David@a4NR.org

Requests may also be submitted to Mr. Weisman, at The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, Post Office Box 1328, San Luis Obispo, California 93406.

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